Saturday, February 14, 2009

Surprise! Jason sent me flowers. This was very unexpected as I sat at the table in my pajamas helping Jacob make out his valentines to take to the neighbor friends. Thanks Jase, you are always so thoughtful.

Blue fundip in a cup

What is some sugar cookie making without a little finger licking?

I'm really not a big valentines day person, but this year I decided to bake sugar cookies with Jacob and take them to our neighbor friends. Jacob also made out his own valentines for his babysitters and neighbor friends. Jason is at the sand dunes riding his Rhino, and having a good time I hope. He has not really taken it out since we bought it back in October, and this was a weekend that he could do it with some friends.

1 comment:

Melissa said...

Little Jacob is getting so BIG!! What a cutie!! Pretty are a lucky girl!

I hope you are doing okay...good luck with the new baby coming soon!! Can't wait to see pictures of her/him!